Nouns table
gloss | layer | sg | pl |
bird | lexeme | shiyojua | shuhua |
bird | suffix | yojua | hua |
black mushroom | lexeme | surususuru | surususuhua |
black mushroom | suffix | ru | hua |
chief | lexeme | jiyaniijia | jiyaniijianucua |
chief | suffix | zero | nucua |
child | lexeme | mueya | muerasu |
child | suffix | ya | rasu |
cloth | lexeme | shiyaru | shiyarucua |
cloth | suffix | zero | cua |
fly | lexeme | nerojua | nerohua |
fly | suffix | jua | hua |
forest | lexeme | naana | nacuhua |
forest | suffix | na | cuhua |
fruit | lexeme | nosutaca | nosuna |
fruit | suffix | taca | na |
girl | lexeme | niyacoo | niyacoojori |
girl | suffix | zero | jori |
group | lexeme | maanu | maapue |
group | suffix | nu | pue |
hard round thing | lexeme | cumatacurujuajau | cumatacurujuaaca |
hard round thing | suffix | jau | aca |
house | lexeme | tia | tiaca |
house | suffix | zero | ca |
large toucan | lexeme | shiyoquee | shiyoqueya |
large toucan | suffix | e | ya |
larva | lexeme | cusoriiniu | cusoriya |
larva | suffix | iniu | ya |
lizard | lexeme | naaqueru | naaqueya |
lizard | suffix | ru | ya |
man | lexeme | caya | canuu |
man | suffix | ya | nuu |
mosquito | lexeme | naasu | naa |
mosquito | suffix | su | zero |
moth | lexeme | susunu | susu |
moth | suffix | nu | zero |
mother | lexeme | nucua | nuhuocuaca |
mother | suffix | zero | cuaca |
muscle | lexeme | shiyonu | shiyonuna |
muscle | suffix | zero | na |
peccary | lexeme | nutaru | nutaa |
peccary | suffix | ru | aa |
rubber tree | lexeme | cusotu | cusotujua |
rubber tree | suffix | zero | jua |
star | lexeme | rijia | riya |
star | suffix | jia | ya |
stone | lexeme | saajia | sai |
stone | suffix | jia | zero |
thing | lexeme | casaa | casami |
thing | suffix | a | mi |
type of ant | lexeme | nai | naaquiapue |
type of ant | suffix | i | aquiapue |
type of bird 1 | lexeme | shii | shiipi |
type of bird 1 | suffix | zero | pi |
type of bird 2 | lexeme | suunu | suunupue |
type of bird 2 | suffix | zero | pue |
type of bird 3 | lexeme | shiyasa | shiyasaa |
type of bird 3 | suffix | zero | a |
type of fruit | lexeme | coorniajaca | coorniajariquia |
type of fruit | suffix | ca | riquia |
type of palm | lexeme | shonaja | sho |
type of palm | suffix | naja | zero |
type of palm fiber | lexeme | shiquiamue | shiquia |
type of palm fiber | suffix | mue | zero |
white mushroom | lexeme | neretu | nereya |
white mushroom | suffix | tu | ya |
wing | lexeme | nesu | nesuhua |
wing | suffix | zero | hua |
woman | lexeme | maaji | maajipohua |
woman | suffix | zero | pohua |
Arabela notes
- The singular ~ plural noun pairs in the database are those given in the grammatical sketch in Rich's (1999) dictionary. The dictionary itself contains several hundred entries which show singular ~ plural pairs. We have not reviewed all the entries, but an exploratory examination of the first 65 entries, 35 had corresponding singular ~ plural inflection; the discrepancy comes largely in the combination of singular and plural suffixes and not the suffixes themselves (around 10 new suffixes in the singular and plural emerged from this survey). Clearly a closer study is needed, in particular w.r.t. the classifier system, and to verbal morphology (as some nouns are deverbal).
Rich, Rolland. 1999. Diccionario Arabela-Castellano. (Serie Lingüística Peruana, 49.) Serie Lingüística Peruana. Lima, Peru: Instituto Lingüístico de Verano.