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Awa Pit

Awa Pit





Verbs table

gloss layer 1 prs statement 2 prs statement 3 prs statement 1 prs question 2 prs question 3 prs question 1 fut statement 2 fut statement 3 fut statement 1 fut question 2 fut question 3 fut question 1 sbj pst statement 1 undergoer pst statement 2 pst statement 3 pst statement 1 pst question 2 sbj pst question 2 undergoer pst question 3 pst question
verb lexeme
verb suffix 2 is i i i is i s zi zi zi s zi w s zi zi zi w s zi
verb suffix 1 zero zero zero zero zero zero anɨ anɨ anɨ anɨ anɨ anɨ ta ta

Awa Pit notes

  1. Agreement is based on what Curnow (1997) terms a 'locutor' ~ 'non-locutor' distinction, which seems to have its origin in an evidential system. Locutor is the source of information, hence 1st person in statements and 2nd person in questions. Non-locutor is everything else.The database entry shows the mapping onto person values.
  2. In the past tense, locutor marking further distinguished between subject and undergoer (object, or, for some verbs, an undergoer subject).
  3. Where a verb has two arguments it agrees with the locutor, if there is one; otherwise it takes non-locutor marking, as seen in the following examples from Curnow (1997: 194-99):

    Libardo (na-wa) pyan-tɨ-s
    L. (1sg-acc) hit-past-locutor.undergoer
    ‘Libardo hit me.’

    nu-wa=na, mɨn=ma pyan-tɨ-s?
    2sg-acc=top who=inter hit-past-locutor.undergoer
    ‘Who hit you?’

    nu=na Juan=ta pyan-tɨ-zi
    2sg.(nom)=top Juan=acc hit-past-non-locutor
    ‘You hit Juan.’

    na-wa=na mɨn=ma pyan-tɨ-zi
    1sg-acc=top who=inter hit-past-non-locutor
    ‘Who hit me?’
    4. The non-past non-locutor suffix -i has some predictable allomorphs (e.g. -y after /a/ and /u/). According to Curnow (1997), the alternation in the past tense suffix (ta ~ ) is probably phonologically conditioned by the following segment. 5. There are various aspect and mood suffixes (not shown here) which may preced the tense suffixes.


Curnow, Timothy Jowan. 1997. A grammar of Awa Pit (Cuaiquer): An indigenous language of south-western Colombia. PhD thesis, The Australian National University.