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Nez Perce

Nez Perce





Nouns table

gloss layer stem phonology abs acc erg loc place of without dat among
raspberry stem CV:CVC #V:CVC #CV: #CV: #CV:C #CVC #CVC #CVC #CVC
wild rose stem CV:CCVC #V:CCVC #VCCV:C #VCCV:C #VCCV:C #VCCVCste, #VCCVCste, #VCCV:C #VCCV:C
kow-like root stem CVCV:t #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem
red fir tree stem CV:CC #V:CC #VC #VC #VC #VCC #VCC #VCC #VCC
bitterroot stem CVCV:C #V:C #V:C #V:C #V:C #VC #VC #V:C #V:C
brown bear stem CV:CVC #V:CVC #V:CVC #V:CVC #V:CVC #VCVC #VCVC #VCVC #VCVC
frog lexeme CVCCVCC wex̣wéqt wex̣weqéne wex̣weqétpe wex̣wqenímewex̣wqeníme wex̣weqt’éyn wex̣weqetpípem
cedar lexeme CVCVCVC talátat taltána teltétpe taltaníma taltatpípam
raspberry lexeme CV:CVC cé:qet ceqé:ne ceqé:tpe ceqetníme ceqetpípem
wild rose lexeme CV:CCVC tá:msas tamsá:snim tamsá:spa tamsasnó:t tamsa:sáyn
kow-like root lexeme CVCV:t qeqí:t qeqí:tne qeqí:tpe qeqi:tnút qeqi:tpípem
red fir tree lexeme CV:CC pá:ps papásnim papspípam
bitterroot lexeme CVCV:C łit’á:n łit’á:nna łit’annó:t łit’a:npípam
brown bear lexeme CV:CVC yá:kaɁ yá:kaɁna yá:kaɁpa yakaɁníma yakaɁpípam
frog suffix CVCCVCC zero ne nim pe níma nút ’éyn pípem
cedar suffix CVCVCVC zero ne nim pe níma nút ’éyn pípem
raspberry suffix CV:CVC zero ne nim pe níma nút ’éyn pípem
wild rose suffix CV:CCVC zero ne nim pe níma nút ’éyn pípem
kow-like root suffix CVCV:t zero ne nim pe níma nút ’éyn pípem
red fir tree suffix CV:CC zero ne nim pe níma nút ’éyn pípem
bitterroot suffix CVCV:C zero ne nim pe níma nút ’éyn pípem
brown bear suffix CV:CVC zero ne nim pe níma nút ’éyn pípem

Verbs table

gloss layer 1 sg prs 2 sg prs 3 sg prs 1 pl prs 2 pl prs 3 pl prs 1 sg prf 2 sg prf 3 sg prf 1 pl prf 2 pl prf 3 pl prf 1 sg pst 2 sg pst 3 sg pst 1 pl pst 2 pl pst 3 pl pst 1 sg rec_pst 2 sg rec_pst 3 sg rec_pst 1 pl rec_pst 2 pl rec_pst 3 pl rec_pst 1 sg rem_pst 2 sg rem_pst 3 sg rem_pst 1 pl rem_pst 2 pl rem_pst 3 pl rem_pst 1 sg fut 2 sg fut 3 sg fut 1 pl fut 2 pl fut 3 pl fut
eat prefix zero zero hi zero zero hi zero zero hi pe pe hipe zero zero hi pe pe hipe zero zero hi zero zero hi zero zero hi zero zero hi zero zero hi pe pe hipe
eat lexeme hipíse hipíse hi:píse hipsíːx hipsíːx híps híps hípe hípe pehípe pehípe hipehípe hipsáːqa hipsáːqa hipséːne hipséːne hipúɁ hipúɁ
eat stem #long #long #long #long #long #long #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short
eat suffix se se se six six six s s s s s s e e e e e e saqa saqa saqa siqa siqa siqa sene sene sene sine sine sine
see prefix zero zero hi zero zero hi zero zero hi pe pe hipe zero zero hi pe pe hipe zero zero hi zero zero hi zero zero hi zero zero hi zero zero hi pe pe hipe
see lexeme hekíce hekíce hékin hékin héxne héxne hakcáːqa hakcáːqa hekcéːne hekcéːne hexnúɁ hexnúɁ
see stem #long #long #long #long #long #long #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short #short
see suffix ce ce ce cix cix cix n n n n n n ne ne ne ne ne ne caqa caqa caqa ciqa ciqa ciqa cene cene cene cine cine cine nuɁ nuɁ nuɁ nuɁ nuɁ nuɁ
come down prefix zero zero hi zero zero hi zero zero hi pe pe hipe zero zero hi pe pe hipe zero zero hi zero zero hi zero zero hi zero zero hi zero zero hi pe pe hipe
come down lexeme teqíːkse teqíːkse taqíːksaqa taqíːksaqa
come down stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem
come down suffix se se se six six six s s s s s s e e e e e e saqa saqa saqa siqa siqa siqa sene sene sene sine sine sine
smell bad prefix zero zero hi zero zero hi zero zero hi pe pe hipe zero zero hi pe pe hipe zero zero hi zero zero hi zero zero hi zero zero hi zero zero hi pe pe hipe
smell bad lexeme tíːwece tíːwece hití:wece hití:wecix tíːwacaqa tíːwacaqa
smell bad stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem #stem
smell bad suffix ce ce ce cix cix cix n n n n n n ne ne ne ne ne ne caqa caqa caqa ciqa ciqa ciqa cene cene cene cine cine cine nuɁ nuɁ nuɁ nuɁ nuɁ nuɁ

Nez Perce notes


  • The verb paradigm contains a great number of TAM distinctions, only an illustrative portion of which is shown here (based on those TAM values which Aoki (1994) gives to exemplify verb inflection.
  • There are two cross cutting lexical distinctions in verbs:
    • Suffix class: e.g. hipí-se 'I eat' vs hekí-ce 'I see'.
    • Stress class: Verbs are either inherently stressed or unstressed. Stressed verbs maintain fixed stem stress and a constant stem shape throughout their paradigm, while with unstressed verbs stress alternates from stem to suffix (depending on the suffix), and the stem alternates between a long form and short form (either -CV ~ C or CVːi ~ CV).


  • Stem alternations are largely predictable on the basis of stem phonology and the phonological properties of the suffixes (stressed or unstressed, and whether or not they begin with a voiced resonant, glottal, or voiceless consonant). The forms shown here are what Aoki (1973) gives as representative of the different contexts.
  • There is also some phonologically predictable allomorphy of the suffixes, not represented here.

Phonological note

  • Vowel harmony is active in both the verbal and nominal system. In the paradigms shown here, the suffix vowel determines harmony on the stem, while with nouns it is the reverse.


Aoki, Haruo. 1973. Nez Perce Grammar. (University of California Publications in Linguistics 62). Berkeley: University of California Press.

Aoki, Haruo. 1994. Nez Perce dictionary. (University of California Publications in Linguistics 122). Berkeley: University of California Press.