Verbs table
gloss | layer | sg pfv | sg ipfv | pl pfv | pl ipfv |
ask for gift from | lexeme | ita:om | ita:omam | ita:omox | ita:omoɬka |
ask for gift from | suffix_1 | zero | zero | zero | zero |
ask for gift from | suffix_2 | zero | am | tox | toɬka |
carry (a child) on the back | lexeme | itsanx | itsanaɬim | itsanʃiɬ | itsanʃiɬka |
carry (a child) on the back | suffix_1 | x | ɬ | ɬ | ɬ |
carry (a child) on the back | suffix_2 | zero | tim | ɬ | ɬka |
crouch | lexeme | tatin | tatintim | tatinikoɬ | tatinikoɬ |
crouch | suffix_1 | zero | zero | zero | zero |
crouch | suffix_2 | zero | tim | ikoɬ | ikoɬ |
crush | lexeme | itne:ʃx | itne:ʃiɬim | itne:ʃɬkox | itne:ʃɬkox |
crush | suffix_1 | x | ɬ | ɬ | ɬ |
crush | suffix_2 | zero | tim | kox | kox |
cut (meat) into pieces | lexeme | itimoχ | itimoχim | itimtaxk | itimtaχɬka |
cut (meat) into pieces | suffix_1 | χ | χ | taχ | taχ |
cut (meat) into pieces | suffix_2 | zero | tim | k | ɬka |
dig | lexeme | itχap | itχaptim | itχapx | itχapaxam |
dig | suffix_1 | zero | zero | zero | zero |
dig | suffix_2 | zero | tim | x | xam |
dig (using instrument) | lexeme | itap | itaptim | itapt | itapotam |
dig (using instrument) | suffix_1 | zero | zero | zero | zero |
dig (using instrument) | suffix_2 | zero | tim | t | tam |
do (some action) | lexeme | o:te | o:tetim | o:tyo | o:tyoɬka |
do (some action) | suffix_1 | zero | zero | y | y |
do (some action) | suffix_2 | zero | tim | to | toɬka |
do quickly | lexeme | itamoni | itamonitim | itamonitax | itamonitaɬka |
do quickly | suffix_1 | zero | zero | zero | zero |
do quickly | suffix_2 | zero | tim | tax | taɬka |
extinguish | lexeme | itaχopt | itaχopatim | itaχopatx | itaχopatx |
extinguish | suffix_1 | zero | zero | zero | zero |
extinguish | suffix_2 | zero | tim | x | x |
fall [extended thing] | lexeme | tpa:in | tpa:inim | tpa:ixa | tpa:ixa |
fall [extended thing] | suffix_1 | n | n | x | x |
fall [extended thing] | suffix_2 | zero | tim | ta | ta |
finish | lexeme | itaχi | itaχitim | itaχt | itaχt |
finish | suffix_1 | zero | zero | zero | zero |
finish | suffix_2 | zero | tim | t | t |
gather (with hands) | lexeme | itaptχ | itapatχim | itaptaxk | itaptaχɬka |
gather (with hands) | suffix_1 | tχ | tχ | taχ | taχ |
gather (with hands) | suffix_2 | zero | tim | k | ɬka |
gather branches to make windbreak | lexeme | itka:in | itkai:nim | itka:ixk | itka:ixk |
gather branches to make windbreak | suffix_1 | n | n | x | x |
gather branches to make windbreak | suffix_2 | zero | tim | k | k |
give (food to someone) | lexeme | ite: | ite:tim | ite:yox | ite:yoɬka |
give (food to someone) | suffix_1 | zero | zero | y | y |
give (food to someone) | suffix_2 | zero | tim | tox | toɬka |
go collect century plant | lexeme | itamxʷ | itamɬa | itamʃiɬ | itamʃiɬka |
go collect century plant | suffix_1 | x | ɬ | ɬ | ɬ |
go collect century plant | suffix_2 | zero | ta | ɬ | ɬka |
harvest | lexeme | itiptim | itipatim | itiptam | itipatam |
harvest | suffix_1 | zero | zero | zero | zero |
harvest | suffix_2 | tim | tim | tam | tam |
have hoof or fist | lexeme | tyanopx | tyanopɬk | tyanopaɬkox | tyanopaɬkox |
have hoof or fist | suffix_1 | x | ɬ | ɬ | ɬ |
have hoof or fist | suffix_2 | zero | k | kox | kox |
have money | lexeme | titom | titomtim | titomatx | titomatx |
have money | suffix_1 | zero | zero | zero | zero |
have money | suffix_2 | zero | tim | tx | tx |
have projection | lexeme | tahpiʃɬ | tahpiʃaɬim | tahpiʃɬo | tahpiʃaɬam |
have projection | suffix_1 | zero | zero | zero | zero |
have projection | suffix_2 | zero | tim | to | tam |
have roots | lexeme | tiχa: | tiχa:tim | tiχa:koɬ | tiχa:xam |
have roots | suffix_1 | zero | zero | zero | zero |
have roots | suffix_2 | zero | tim | ikoɬ | xam |
help kill | lexeme | ita:ikot | ita:ikotim | ita:ikʷt | ita:ikʷtoɬka |
help kill | suffix_1 | zero | zero | zero | zero |
help kill | suffix_2 | zero | tim | zero | toɬka |
kill | lexeme | toikʷ | toikotim | toikʷt | toikʷtoɬka |
kill | suffix_1 | zero | zero | zero | zero |
kill | suffix_2 | zero | tim | t | toɬka |
make crouch | lexeme | itane:pni | itane:penim | itane:pʃox | itane:pʃoɬka |
make crouch | suffix_1 | n | n | ʃ | ʃ |
make crouch | suffix_2 | zero | tim | tox | toɬka |
make one grimace | lexeme | itamos | itamostim | itamostax | itamosχam |
make one grimace | suffix_1 | zero | zero | zero | zero |
make one grimace | suffix_2 | zero | tim | tax | χam |
make pale pink | lexeme | kʷitamaχp | kʷitamaχpim | kʷitamaχapox | kʷitamaχapoɬka |
make pale pink | suffix_1 | zero | zero | zero | zero |
make pale pink | suffix_2 | zero | tim | tox | toɬka |
make pounding sound | lexeme | itke:nɬa | itke:neɬa | itke:nɬox | itke:nɬox |
make pounding sound | suffix_1 | zero | zero | zero | zero |
make pounding sound | suffix_2 | ta | ta | tox | tox |
make red | lexeme | ita:ihxʷ | ita:ihoɬim | ita:ihɬkox | ita:ihoɬam |
make red | suffix_1 | x | ɬ | ɬ | ɬ |
make red | suffix_2 | zero | tim | kox | tam |
make sound of footsteps | lexeme | toke:pkʷ | toke:poxkim | toke:pʷkox | toke:pʷkox |
make sound of footsteps | suffix_1 | k | xk | xk | xk |
make sound of footsteps | suffix_2 | zero | tim | tox | tox |
move slowly | lexeme | te:mix | te:miɬim | te:mɬ | te:miɬam |
move slowly | suffix_1 | x | ɬ | ɬ | ɬ |
move slowly | suffix_2 | zero | tim | zero | tam |
open | lexeme | itimt | itimitim | itimɬa | itimiɬam |
open | suffix_1 | t | t | ɬ | ɬ |
open | suffix_2 | zero | tim | ta | tam |
open (e.g. a book) | lexeme | itapatxk | itapatixkim | itapatixox | itapatixox |
open (e.g. a book) | suffix_1 | zero | zero | zero | zero |
open (e.g. a book) | suffix_2 | zero | tim | tox | tox |
pat | lexeme | itpop | itpopatim | itpopχam | itpopχam |
pat | suffix_1 | zero | zero | zero | zero |
pat | suffix_2 | zero | tim | χam | χam |
peck | lexeme | itʃakʷʃ | itʃakoʃim | itʃakoʃox | itʃakoʃam |
peck | suffix_1 | zero | zero | zero | zero |
peck | suffix_2 | zero | tim | tox | tam |
pull out | lexeme | itkapχ | itkapapχim | itkapapχax | itkapapχoɬka |
pull out | suffix_1 | zero | zero | zero | zero |
pull out | suffix_2 | zero | tim | tax | toɬka |
reach | lexeme | itataχɬ | itataχaɬim | itataχax | itataχaxam |
reach | suffix_1 | ɬ | ɬ | x | x |
reach | suffix_2 | zero | tim | zero | tam |
root around in the mud | lexeme | taʃa:mt | taʃa:matim | taʃa:mtx | taʃa:matoɬka |
root around in the mud | suffix_1 | zero | zero | zero | zero |
root around in the mud | suffix_2 | zero | tim | x | toɬka |
scale | lexeme | ittins | ittinisim | ittinso | ittinsoɬka |
scale | suffix_1 | zero | zero | zero | zero |
scale | suffix_2 | zero | tim | to | toɬka |
scold | lexeme | itaχnix | itaχanɬ | itaχnaɬka | itaχnaɬkox |
scold | suffix_1 | x | ɬ | ɬ | ɬ |
scold | suffix_2 | zero | zero | ka | kox |
shape into balls | lexeme | itatoknix | itatoknaɬka | itatoknaɬkox | itatoknaɬkox |
shape into balls | suffix_1 | x | ɬ | ɬ | ɬ |
shape into balls | suffix_2 | zero | ka | kox | kox |
sing | lexeme | to:s | to:stim | to:si | to:si |
sing | suffix_1 | zero | zero | zero | zero |
sing | suffix_2 | zero | tim | zero | zero |
smoothe | lexeme | itamihx | itamihiɬim | itamihɬk | itamihɬkox |
smoothe | suffix_1 | x | ɬ | ɬ | ɬ |
smoothe | suffix_2 | zero | tim | k | kox |
stain (with fat) | lexeme | itahaχ | itahaχtim | itahaχaxam | itahaχaxam |
stain (with fat) | suffix_1 | zero | zero | zero | zero |
stain (with fat) | suffix_2 | zero | tim | xam | xam |
stand shoulder to shoulder | lexeme | tha:sχ | tha:siʃχa | tha:siʃχax | tha:siʃχax |
stand shoulder to shoulder | suffix_1 | χ | ʃχ | ʃχ | ʃχ |
stand shoulder to shoulder | suffix_2 | zero | ta | tax | tax |
steal | lexeme | itko:ʃ | itko:ʃtim | itko:ʃχ | itko:ʃiχoɬka |
steal | suffix_1 | zero | zero | χ | χ |
steal | suffix_2 | zero | tim | zero | toɬka |
take care of with gentleness | lexeme | itapɬ | itapaɬim | itapaɬam | itapaɬam |
take care of with gentleness | suffix_1 | zero | zero | zero | zero |
take care of with gentleness | suffix_2 | zero | tim | tam | tam |
wake up | lexeme | taksχ | takasχim | takasχax | takasχax |
wake up | suffix_1 | zero | zero | zero | zero |
wake up | suffix_2 | zero | tim | tax | tax |
wedge-shaped | lexeme | tapχe:ʃk | tapχe:ʃixkim | tapχe:ʃxox | tapχe:ʃixkam |
wedge-shaped | suffix_1 | k | xk | xk | xk |
wedge-shaped | suffix_2 | zero | tim | tox | tam |
Seri notes
The database is based on the entries in Moser & Marlett's (2010) dictionary. When all the different patterns of inflectional exponence are factored in, there are hundreds of different types, many represented by just one lexeme in the dictionary. Therefore the database is restricted to 'major' types, in this case patterns represented by at least five lexical entries in the dictionary.
- Verbs are shown in the dependent realis form with a 3rd person subject. The paradigm represents subject number and aspect (which is allied with event number and object number). The paradigm as illustrated here is entirely suffixal. Infixes and other stem alternations also play a role, but the overall patterns are not represented by enough lexemes to cross the threshold for inclusion in the database (see above).
- All other inflection: for non-3rd person subject, object (direct and indirect) TAM and negation, is expressed by prefixation. This is entirely regular (though sometimes with complex morphophonology), and is not shown in the database.
Marlett, Stephen A. 2009-11. A grammar of Seri (draft). Ms., University of North Dakota. Online:
Moser, Mary B. & Stephen A. Marlett. 2010. Comcaac quih yaza quih hant ihiip hac = Diccionario seri-español-inglés. Colección Bicentenario. Mexico City and Sonora: Plaza y Valdés Editores and Universidad de Sonora. Online: